Solar Event
Times when particular solar events of interest happen. Examples would be things like Sunrise, sunset, solar noon, start of civil dawn, etc. These events represent moments or Instants in time. This time can be extracted via SolarEvent.time
Moment when the sun rises to -18.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.AstronomicalDawn.
Moment when the sun sets to -12.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.AstronomicalDusk.
When the solar angle rises to -8.0. Marks the start of LightState.BlueHourDawn.
The end of LightState.BlueHourDawn. Happens when the sun rises past -4.0 degrees.
When the solar angle sets to -4.0. Marks the start of LightState.BlueHourDusk.
The end of LightState.BlueHourDusk. Happens when the sun sets past -8.0 degrees.
Moment when the sun rises to -6.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.CivilDawn.
Moment when the sun sets to 0.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.CivilDusk.
Moment when the solar angle rises to 0.0. Begins SolarPhase.Day.
When the solar angle rises to -6.0. Marks the start of LightState.GoldenHourDawn.
The end of LightState.GoldenHourDawn. Happens when the sun rises past 6.0 degrees.
When the solar angle sets to 0.0. Marks the start of LightState.GoldenHourDusk.
The end of LightState.GoldenHourDusk. Happens when the sun sets past - 6.0 degrees.
Horizon Events are solar events that involve the sun transiting the horizon. For instance Sunrise and Sunset. Also includes events like SunsetBegin and SunriseEnd
Light events are solar events pertaining to interesting light effects created by the position of the sun. Examples are things like the start of Golden Hour or Blue Hour. These event types are of particular interest to photographers.
The opposite of solar noon. When the sun is at its lowest position in the sky for a given cycle.
Moment when the sun rises to -12.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.NauticalDawn.
Moment when the sun sets to -6.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.NauticalDusk.
Moment when the sun sets to -18.0 degrees. Begins SolarPhase.Night.
Solar noon. When the sun is at its highest position in the sky for a given cycle.
Moment when the top edge of the sun first rises from the horizon.
When the bottom edge of the sun rises above the horizon.
Moment when the top edge of the sun completely disappears behind the horizon
When the bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon when the sun is setting.
A type of Solar Event that includes the beginning of various SolarPhases